EWDM Drivers for Windows 2000/XP

Please read the informations on this page carfully to ensure that you are downloading the correct file. We strongly recomend to check the installation instructions to avoid possible problems.

filename: - dsp24ewdm84.zip (483kB)
version: - 8.4 (03/14/2005)
supported operating systems: - Windows 2000 (all versions)
- Windows XP (all versions)
supported hardware: - DSP24 Value
main features:

- EWDM driver technology by ESI
- multichannel MME
- ASIO 2.0
- GSIF (with multiclient-support)
- DirectSound
- AC3 output

main changes: - fix of BAD_POOL_CALLER error that appeared on some systems
installation: - Installation under Windows 2000/XP
- please check this PDF file with installation instructions exactly

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